Malia Obama and Boyfriend Rory Farquharson news: Dazzling couple spotted kissing at a game in Harvard-Yale

Malia Obama at the National Christmas Tree Lighting and Pageant of Peace ceremonyREUTERS/Kevin Lamarque/Files

It seems Malia Obama, daughter of former US President Barrack Obama, is keeping her standards high and worthy of his father, as the teenager has been confirmed to be dating Rory Farquharson, a British investment manager's son.

The 19-year-old was spotted by TMZ kissing a man during the Harvard-Yale football game over the weekend, Daily Mail then identified the lucky guy as Rory. Rory, also 19, already has an impressive reputation at his young age, being head boy at a £35,000-a-year private Rugby School in England.

Rory is now attending college at Harvard University in the US, as was confirmed by his own Rugby School, and is seemingly no stranger to expensive education with his Rugby School education costing as much as £11,584 per term. During his stay at the private school, Rory was also considered popular by his friends and even referred to him as "quite a catch."

Even without the Rugby School credentials, Rory's genealogy is enough to impress any girl, having ties to royal blood since his second cousin Andrew Farquharson was one of the Queen's most trusted aides. Meanwhile, his cousin Andrew has even stated that Rory was merely enjoying his stay in the US and is ready for any attention that his relationship with Malia might bring.

Still, Rory considered himself as far from perfect and even feared that girls might not like him due to his previous temperament. Before his trip to the US, Rory allegedly tried to be cool and even downplayed his younger self as "lanky over-confident public schoolboy" who turned off girls due to his hairstyle. He even admitted that he was, at one point, too desperate to prove to his friends that he was a "proper lad" that he failed miserably.

He even wrote to his 16-year-old self a letter for a magazine, writing "You've slipped on a pair of your dad's Ray-Bans and smugly informed your mum that you're going to Ollie's house - in fact, you've sneaked off to London with some mates. And for goodness' sake, get a haircut. Despite what you think, your floppy mop isn't attracting the girls."