Man of Steel 2 Sequel official announcement at Comic-Con San Diego 2013 Superman's 75th Anniversary Celebration? [VIDEO]

Comic-Con San Diego 2013 kicks off today and superhero fans all over the nation has gathered for the annual event.

Among the highlights at this year's Comic-Con convention is the highly anticipated panel called Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment: Superman's 75th Anniversary Celebration.

The description for the panel is as follows: "As the most recognizable superhero in the world, Superman has flown high in film, TV, radio, animation and, of course, comics for 75 glorious years."

Cast, filmmakers, artists and writers involved in all of Superman's films will be in attendance. If that is the case, it means that talent from the hit "Man of Steel" movie may also expected to be in attendance. It has not been confirmed whether Henry Cavill will attend the panel - but who knows - he may surprise fans and show up at the event.

News of the Superman panel has sparked rumors that the "Man of Steel" key cast members may indeed show up, and if so, then fans anticipate an official announcement regarding "Man of Steel 2," the sequel to the Hollywood blockbuster that has already broken box office records. The Superman history panel would definitely provide the perfect platform for an official sequel announcement.

Superman's 75th Anniversary Comic-Con panel will take place on July 20, from 4.15 pm to 5.15 p.m.

Stars from TV shows "Dexter" and movies "Divergent" will be in attendance, and fans are eagerly awaiting for more news on "Godzilla," "Captain America," "Thor," and "The Amazing Spiderman 2."

Creators of hit TV shows "The Walking Dead," "Game of Thrones," "True Blood," "Once Upon a Time," "Marvet's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D" will also be at the convention to give fans a teaser preview of what to expect the next season.

Watch the "Man of Steel" trailer and a video of Superman's 75th anniversary below: