Man survives rare 5-organ transplant

(Photo: REUTERS/Darren Staples DS/MD/WS)

A man in the Czech Republic received five organs in a successful operation two months ago. 

Bartolomej Pesta was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver five years ago, and the condition caused damage to several of his organs. Now, Pesta says he has a new lease on life. 

The 60-year-old's condition was so severe that in addition to a liver transplant he needed a new stomach, small intestine, spleen, and pancreas. The cirrhosis decreased the blood supply to these vital organs, and his quality of life was severely affected. 

"I used to run and play football, and the change to ill-health was a slow deterioration where I gradually felt more tired, and it became hard even to walk by the end," Pesta told Central European News.

"Every third day I went to [the] hospital to drain fluid out of my belly. The transplantation was unexpected, but I didn't worry. I knew I was in good hands."

Pesta waited eight weeks for the organs to become available, and underwent a 10-hour surgery at the Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine in Prague shortly before Christmas.

He was released from the hospital in early January, and reported feeling great. "They have given me my life back," he admitted. 

The transplant surgery director was pleased with the report. "It is great to see him doing so well," Jiri Fronek said.