Manchester City team news 2015: Raheem Sterling addresses absences from Liverpool training prior to move


Young midfielder Raheem Sterling last week was finally transferred from Liverpool to Manchester City but before making the move, he was unable to attend two consecutive training sessions with the Reds calling in sick on both occasions and has been criticized for doing so.

Sterling told the Manchester Evening News, "Everyone thought I threw a sicknote in. I was in training on the Tuesday — in the changing room my stomach started hurting. I still went out and trained though."

"That day I went home, and I told the doc I was ill. My stomach was rumbling and I had diarrhoea. The doctor just said to me you can't be around the other players. For the next 48 hours, I stayed at home. That's what the club doctor told me to do. When that 48 hours was done I came back to training as normal," the 20-year-old athlete added.

Sterling also reportedly told Liverpool manager Bredan Rodgers that he was not going with the club in their world tour which is currently on-going. 

During his absence from training, he and Liverpool did not comment on the situation.

Sterling shared why he did not make any remarks about his absences telling the Manchester Evening News, "I didn't really want to add more fuel to the fire so I didn't comment on it, but thanks for the opportunity to say what really happened and set the record straight."

Manchester City acquired Sterling last week signing him on a five-year, £49 million deal, which makes him the most expensive British player of all time.

Before that, City prepared two bids to acquire the budding midfielder but was turned down by Liverpool who were seeking £50 million for Sterling in their hopes of making him stay. 

But the Reds failed to keep Sterling who already turned down a new deal the club offered earlier this year.