Manchester United 2015 team news, rumors: Pep Guardiola to replace Louis van Gaal?

Wikimedia Commons/Thomas Rodenbücher

Manchester United manager Louis van Gaal plans to leave in 2017 and already said he will not change his mind. Now, current Bayern Munich manager Pep Guardiola is rumored to be his replacement. 

For Van Gaal, the man replacing him is his assistant Ryan Giggs, whom he is preparing to be the next manager of United. 

But according to a report by the Sunday Mirror, those higher than Van Gaal have other plans and are eyeing Guardiola as the next manager once the position is vacated. 

The Sunday Mirror also reported Guardiola's refusal to sign a new deal with Bayern after the season, which intensified the rumors that he will be taking over the Red Devils once Van Gaal leaves. 

But there might be a conflict since Van Gaal will still have one year remaining in his contract with United which he signed last summer.

In the summer, Van Gaal invested in young players and admitted that it would be hard seeing a club filled with youth progress since that will hinder his plans of leaving. 

"Okay, I know they are not ready yet, but that is why I have said that this team is more for my successor than for myself," the current United manager stated. 

The Sunday Mirror cited Barcelona and Bayern, clubs that Van Gaal have managed before and thrived when he left. 

Since the 64-year-old plans to part ways with Manchester United following next season, it seems like the club is headed to the same path. 

Unfortunately, Giggs' lack of managerial experience is a major issue that is why he is not being considered as Van Gaal's successor. 

Guardiola, on the other hand, has had years of experience first becoming a manager for Barcelona B in 2007 and later managing Barcelona for four years from 2008 to 2012, before working for Bayern.