Manny Pacquiao vs Floyd Mayweather fight news: Pacman agrees to Mayweather's terms

Manny PacquiaoReuters

A major breakthrough on a potential Floyd Mayweather Jr.-Manny Pacquiao tiff materialized after Filipino fighter Manny Pacquiao agreed to the terms to fight the flamboyant one on May 2, 2015 at the MGM Grand Garden in Las Vegas.

Under the terms, Pacquiao has agreed to a 40-60 split as well as agreeing to the Olympic style drug testing that Mayweather has since been batting for.

"I want to get some movement here, with bringing Mayweather to the table so we can go out and get everything signed and get the networks together and get the thing finished," Arum told Yahoo Sports.

All these will however be useless until Mayweather voices out and hopefully agrees to the set conditions, mostly dictated by him during preliminary talks.

It was Mayweather who chose the date, May 2 or Cinco de Mayo. Pacquiao's camp had initially called the date as something that could be impossible and called it a great disrespect to the Mexican people. But now, everything seems to have been settled and all that is left is Mayweather's nod.

This also marks the closest to which the bout can happen. There have been numerous attempts in the past years but most eventually failed to materialize due to 'sudden changes' as far as Mayweather's demands are concerned.

Mayweather has been so far mum on the issue though it is expected that he would be coming out with a response of his own. And hopefully not another chance in demands.

Mayweather has been notorious for making last minute changes. Most of them included changes in the random drug testing and fight purse among others. But this time, Pacquiao has practically given in to all of Mayweather's demands unless a new excuse suddenly arises in the coming days.

"I think Manny has been very reasonable and demonstrated that he wants the fight to happen. Now, we're waiting on Floyd. That's not to say that Floyd has been obstinate, that Floyd won't do it, but we're waiting on him" says Arum in an interview with Yahoo Sports.