Marilyn Baker Ministries re-brands for changing world

The ministry of blind singer-songwriter Marilyn Baker has announced a new name and logo to reflect the changing world.

Marilyn Baker Ministries will now operate as MBM: Restoring Lives Through Intimacy with God.

Ms Baker said the change was intended to reflect the ministry’s vision to help people step deeper into healing and empowerment by drawing closer to the heart of God, learning to hear his voice, and seeing from his perspective.

“We may be re-branding to keep in touch with a changing world, but the heart of our ministry is still the same. We have a passion to see healing and a deeper intimacy with God” explains the internationally renowned blind singer-songwriter,” she said.

MBM has recently expanded its ministry to the elderly by making regular visits to residential homes. Ms Baker makes the visits together with her partner in the ministry Tracy Williamson and guide dog Penny.

“For many it is the first and possibly the last time, they will hear that God loves them,” she said.

MBM continues to take part in evangelistic and encouragement concerts, Christian festivals, church weekends and services organised by other Christian organisations, as well as running conference and quiet day programmes across the UK.

The ministry has worked to bring healing, wholeness and a deeper experience of God
to people since it was founded 28 years.

Ms Baker’s albums include All That I Am and Changing Me & Overflow of Worship.