'Mario Kart 8' DLC 2016: Game to take an old school turn with 'Mario Kart 64' DLC?

Is "Mario Kart 8" getting an old-school DLC soon?Facebook/Mario Kart

Reportedly, Nintendo will continue to come out with expansion content for "Mario Kart 8" and the only question is what fans will expect. Speculations suggest that content from the classic "Mario Kart 64" may be in the pipeline.

According to Nintendo Life, a tweet for "Mario Kart 8" has been posted online with the backdrop of Kalimari Desert. Hardcore fans easily understood the reference, as the location is a major area for the classic "Mario Kart 64." The post comes with the adage "Good things come to those who wait."

While it definitely did not say that a "Mario Kart 64" DLC is coming out for the racing title, the subtle hint has fans wishing for expansion content soon. A Nintendo-inspired expansion for "Mario Kart 8" is not that unheard of. Previously, the game has added major updates that feature content from other franchises like "Animal Crossing" and "The Legend of Zelda." Meanwhile, other updates also tweaked and improved on gameplay and mechanics for the game. The last update that rolled out for "Mario Kart 8" added a super speed option for 200cc races, and there are also DLCs that added for-purchase in-game items like character costumes, tracks, motorbikes, and cars.

According to Vine Report, Nintendo may be up for a surprise on the racing game, and will announce a major reveal at the upcoming E3, since the timing of the teaser is a dead giveaway. Although Nintendo has already said its E3 presentation will focus on the next "The Legend of Zelda" game for the Wii U, other game titles are expected to appear, like the "Pokémon Sun and Moon" title, "Monster Hunter Generations," and others. A DLC announcement for "Mario Kart 8" may be one of them.