Mark Hall and family are all smiles as he leaves the hospital post surgery for kidney cancer
After days of being confined in the hospital, Casting Crowns lead singer Mark Hall and his family are finally headed home.
"Praise the Lord! We are heading home! Wahoo!" Hall's wife Melanie wrote in the Casting Crowns Facebook page. "Mark turned a corner yesterday and had a good night last night. We think we've figured out how to manage his pain at home."
His wife was earlier concerned about Hall's digestive system, saying they needed to get it "to wake up and start working right." But the singer seems determined to head towards full recovery and he just had his first meal since eating chips and salsa last Monday night.
The family was supported by the student ministry staff as they headed home, and Melanie said they are now trying to walk "by faith one day at a time."
The Hall family and their supporters have received a string of good news ever since Hall went into surgery to remove his kidney, where his cancer was located.
"The pathology report confirms that the tumour was indeed kidney cancer but it was fully encased. The findings of the report confirm that the cancer had not spread to the kidney or anywhere else. Glory Hallelujah!! It was found in the earliest stage possible," shared Melanie.
She added that the tumour was determined to be "a nuclear level 3 cell type," which doctors deemed to be very aggressive.
"What that means is that it was active and ready to go somewhere. This just makes all of this even more of a miracle. I wish that I could explain in words how much of a miracle it was, but it would take too many words. And to be honest, I am too tired," Melanie admitted.
But the devoted wife still took time to thank and praise God for everything He has done for them. "God was at work in this before we had any idea," she said. "He is good that way. We are thankful for His mercy and grace. We are thankful that He chose to answer our requests in this way."