Mark Driscoll on a mission to get dads involved in Christmas

When it comes to getting the tree decorated, the turkey roasted to perfection and gifts the children actually want, mothers seem to get it done.

But Mark Driscoll is on a mission to change all the stereotypes of Christmas and get dads more involved in the festive season.

The popular pastor of Mars Hill in the US has just released his 10 ‘Daddy Christmas Tips’ to help fathers give and get the most out of Christmas.

Rather than just hoping things come together, Driscoll says dads need to have a plan for the holidays if they want to ensure that their family feels loved and that “memories are made”.

“Dad needs to make memories and not just give gifts. Dad, what special memories can you make this holiday season?” he says.

He suggests that dads schedule in some “guy time” with their sons and arrange a Christmas daddy-daughter date, and when it comes to mum, dads need to help get the house decorated and get stuck into other preparations.

But he also warns about stress and grumpiness and encourages dads to be realistic about who or what they need to say “no” to.

And it’s not only about the festivities. Driscoll reminds dads of the need to give to others and carve out time for sacred events and experiences “to build family traditions that are fun and point to Jesus”.

He says: “Dad needs to ensure his family is giving generously during the holidays. Dad, who in need is your family going to adopt, bless, and serve?”

Driscoll is planning to dole out more tips in the run-up to Christmas so you may want to check out the Mars Hill blog spot at