Mark Wahlberg says he's making this Lent about giving more

Mark Wahlberg filmed his message outside church

Mark Wahlberg has told fans he's making this Lenten season more about what he's giving than what he's giving up

The Ted star said on his Twitter that he often gets asked what he's giving up for Lent. 

But he said, this year, he was focusing on giving more love and kindness. 

"People always ask, 'What are you gonna give up for Lent?' And I think, more importantly, let's try to do more — more love, more peace, more acceptance, more caring, and more kindness," he said.

"Have a beautiful Lenten season. God bless you all. I'll see you on Easter. Love you."

Wahlberg is a devout Catholic who often speaks about his faith. In the past, he shared his impressive daily routine that starts at 2:30am with prayer before breakfast and a workout. 

In 2018, he told The Christian Post that he prays for his children, that they would make a positive impact on the world. 

"I pray that they're going to do the right thing, that they're going to help people and make a positive impact on the community and on everyone they interact with," he shared.

"I pray that they'll be good people, that they'll be loving and compassionate, whether they want to be doctors, lawyers — whatever they want to be, that's all that really matters."