'Married at First Sight' season 2 spoilers: Sociologist visits the couples in episode 11

Season 2 couple Jaclyn and Ryan R. assess their relationship in episode 11 of "Married at First Sight."aetv.com

A new episode of "Married at First Sight" season 2 will be aired Tuesday, and the progress of the newlyweds will be tested when a professional sociologist visits each couple to see if they are meant to stay together. 

In episode 11 titled "Lifestyle," Dr. Pepper Schwatz will spend time with the couples to see if they are really working out on their relationship or if they are just coexisting in the house provided for them. 

This could be in preparation for their life after the show, which will air its second season finale soon. Who among the three couples will extend their marriage after the end of the season, and who among them will head to splitsville? 

According to the spoilers for the 11th episode, Ryan will get a little help from a family member to make his decision on whether to stay married with Jaclyn or not. 

In the past episode titled "Intimacy," Ryan R. told Dr. Logan Levkoff that he is afraid of being too involved with Jaclyn because being with her could mean that he will be away from his family, particularly his niece. But in the upcoming season, Ryan's beloved niece will tell him that she wants him and Jaclyn to be together because she likes her a lot. Could the approval from his niece make him want to stay married to Jaclyn for good? 

Meanwhile, it seems that last episode's theme is not working for Sean and Davina. During that episode, Davina made it clear that she wants to be physically intimate with her husband, but it appears that Sean is not interested. Could this post a threat to their marriage? 

On the other hand, Ryan D. and Jessica are also having their own intimacy problems despite being the first couple who decided to consummate their marriage early on. But Ryan D. seems to be thinking twice about the physical aspect of their relationship. Will Jessica accept Ryan D.'s decision to hold off their intimacy? 

"Married at First Sight" season 2 airs Tuesdays on FYI and A&E.