Married minister used bible to justify 'bottom spanking cult'

A church minister spanked womens' bare bottoms to satisfy his sexual desires and used the bible to justify his action a court heard yesterday.

Curtis is facing 12 charges involving seven victimsCroydon Advertiser

Howard Curtis, 72, allegedly ran a "cult" where women were persuaded to strip naked so he could spank them, Croydon Crown Court heard.

The former senior minister of the Coulsdon Christian Fellowship used "unorthodox" teachings to instill discipline and drive out evil spirits in both women and children who had come to him for help, the court was told.

"The church had a small congregation that followed him," said Jane Osborne, prosecuting.

"In reality he ran this organisation much more like a cult within a church."

Curtis, who is married, left his role as senior minister at the independent south London Baptist church in June 2013, the Telegraph reported.

He is charged five counts of cruelty to children under 16 years of age, two counts of indecent assault, and four of sexual assault. The incidents are said to have occurred between January 1969 and June 2013.

The court heard how vulnerable women came to his church seeking help, having already suffered domestic abuse.

"But when they did so they were taken advantage of by him," said Osborne.

Curtis, who denies the charges, was accused of running a deliverance ministry where he told people, in particular women, that discipline needed to be administered.

This discipline was administered by striking flesh with bare hands according to Curtis' unusual biblical interpretation, the court heard.

"He would spank them over their bare bottoms, getting them to strip naked during the counselling under the guise of helping them get over their former abuse," Osborne said.

Curtis, who is hard of hearing, was supported by his wife Marilyn in the public gallery.

The trial continues.