'Marvel vs. Capcom 4' release date, news: Capcom to announce game at PlayStation Experience 2016

A promotional image for "Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3."Capcom

"Marvel vs. Capcom" games have always been popular with fans of fighting games. Who wouldn't enjoy a match between Spider-Man and Ryu, or She-Hulk versus Chun-Li? Well, the fourth "Marvel vs. Capcom" game may be coming out soon, and according to reports, Capcom may make the announcement at PlayStation Experience 2016 on Dec. 3 and 4.

Polygon reported that "Marvel vs. Capcom 4" would come out sometime next year; however, X-Men characters like Wolverine and Deadpool might not be appearing in the game. No more mutants?

Well, that is going be strange since the crossover franchise originated from the "X-Men vs. Street Fighter" game in the '90s. Besides, Wolverine has been in the game since the first "Marvel vs. Capcom." Fans are going to feel bummed about the lack of X-Men characters, but that shouldn't stop them from enjoying the game.

Meanwhile, people who have been saying that Marvel is trying to undermine 20th Century Fox's "X-Men" properties are going to have a field day after hearing this. The company has been doing this to their "X-Men" comic book titles and toy lines for years now.

Polygon says the game will tap into the current roster of characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so fans can expect Guardians of the Galaxy characters like Groot and Star-Lord to join the game. Marvel has total control over these characters, so it wants to promote them however it can.

NeoGAF user Ryce also claimed that Capcom is going to unveil the game this weekend. And he said this a few days before Polygon reported it. So, they may be on to something. Meanwhile, images that seem to point out the game is coming out soon have been circulating online the past few days.

This rumor hasn't been officially confirmed yet, so readers are advised to take it with a grain of salt. Right now, Capcom refuses to comment on the reports.