'Mass Effect 4' release date, updates; lead designer 'so excited to build' game

Mass Effect 4 teaserBioware

Bioware's passion in the work they do shines through the games they release. Right now, one of the reputed game studio's projects is "Mass Effect 4," and through lead designer Jos Hendriks' series of tweets, one can imagine that fervor is the very foundation of the upcoming intergalactic shooter. 

Filled with enthusiasm, Hendriks shared with his Twitter followers, who ought to be as thrilled as the Bioware affiliate, how much fun he is having working on the next "Mass Effect" title with other creatives in the team who seem to show the same level of dedication for the title and the larger-than-life series.

In one tweet, the lead designer said, "One of the joys of level design for me, personally, is working together with others to make something you share a vision of." 

He went on to take pride in building with "simple blocks," with "an idea of what it would look like when an artist makes it awesome" already etched on their minds as they go back and forth the drawing board. 

To update followers, Hendriks then tweeted that he was "so excited to build" the first art pass that one of the artists made for one of the levels. At this point, Hendriks showed how wound up he was about crafting the game into a work of art. The tweets that followed vividly retold how things were done, how beautiful they could become, and how satisfying that could be. 

"When the cinematic designer and cinematic animator have their scenes built and working in the mission, and the conversations flow. And then audio comes in and does their final passes and it'll sound and feel like a real space," he tweeted.

He continued, "And then time has passed and the game ships, and people get to see it on their TV at home, and hopefully enjoy the experience. And we get to think back of how this mission we built was once just a little outline in a word document."

These tweets imply that the title is shaping up pretty nicely and it makes it all the more exciting to see. Fans will finally see the result of the passion Hendriks and his team are putting in in "Mass Effect 4" at the Electronic Entertainment Expo in June.