'Mass Effect 4' release date at E3 2015? Teaser images shown on Twitter?


Was Mass Effect producer Mike Gamble taking many gamers for a ride or simply sharing a magnificent image? Was he playing coy?

After tweeting an image over Twitter over the weekend, many had speculated that Mass Effect 4 could sooner or later be released. The image shows an arc, something which is fairly similar to the Mass Effect logo which seems to be more than just plain coincidence.

When the tweet started to gain some attention, Gamble spoiled all the fun (or did he?) by explaining that the said image was actually taken by a real NASA astronaut and that it was pretty fantastic.

There are of course a lot of onlookers awaiting Mass Effect 4 and some went as far as practically begging Gamble to spill the beans. Was this tweet a sign of things to come?

Gamble continued to play coy and replied "game? What game?"

It is evident that a lot of people are eagerly awaiting Mass Effect 4 but there is no official word on whether the game will be out soon. To date, all that is on the table are rumors and pure speculations on the characters or storyline for the said game.

A rumored storyline says that Mass Effect 4 will take place in the Helius Cluster which contains about 100s of solar systems in the Andromeda galaxy. The setting does seem interesting but again, this is pure speculation.

Some believe that the game may be announced at the E3 2015 with the tweeted image perhaps the spark that many have been eagerly awaiting. However it remains to be seen if the said image does indeed have something to do with Mass Effect 4 or that Gamble simply wanted to share an image.

So was Gamble playing coy sincerely or sarcastically?

Mass Effect 4 is a role-playing third-person shooting game currently being developed by Bioware. Announced in 2014, there is still no official word on when the game will actually be out. It could be at E3, or maybe not.