Mass Effect Andromeda release date news: get ready to explore a distant galaxy created in Earth's own image


As the latest reality based game from team Bioware, Mass Effect: Andromeda uses the frostbite game engine to create an engaging gameplay that will have users fascinated. This latest version in the series is based in a new galaxy, Andromeda, and creative director Mac Walters has revealed that it takes inspiration from many locations on planet Earth.

While the game is most likely releasing in March 2017 for PC as well as popular consoles like PS and Xbox One, techies are busy exploring the photographs and 3D  animations of the actual Andromeda to get an idea of where the game will be based and what to expect.

ME Andromeda provides greater freedom for the players in chosing how to embark on their space odessey and how to go about their mission. It also offers a more enhanced and realistic game experience while treading new and exotic locations in hitherto unknown worlds to stimulate player's curiosity.

While it promises graphics and visual quality which will set new benchmarks, the game design is based on exploiting mundane commonplace things found on earth and transforming them into unique exotic locations that could only be part of outerspace.

Meanwhile, the games ability to explain the mass effect backstory has been questioned considering that it would quite  challenge to explain it. It has also been frustrating for many to have the game delayed after all the hype and frenzy created over its 2016 release.

Although the EA 2016  had been expected to showcase much of Mass Effect Andromeda, very little about the game was actually revealed. So a sof now the game is still shrouded in mystery. What is interesting though is that while players will have a choice to play as a male or female, the trailer choses to reveal only the female hero of the game. Perhaps Mass Effect is trying to leverage the wave of customisability and a departure from traditional gaming that has now gripped the industry.

Clearly, the game is believed to be top notch from graphics and game play to the setting and story line. Particularly after waiting patiently this long, hardcore gamers and newbies alike are expected to devour every single copies from shelves. This game is bound to dominate much of 2017 gaming news.