'Mass Effect Andromeda' news: Game's senior development director leaves the project

"Mass Effect: Andromeda" is slated to be released late next year.BioWare

In news that can come as bit of a surprise, Chris Wynn, the senior development director of "Mass Effect Andromeda," has just announced that's he's leaving the project and BioWare as well.

Wynn made his announcement via Twitter, and for now at least, he has not indicated the reason for why he has left BioWare. In his farewell, Wynn thanked the development team of "Mass Effect Andromeda" and also said that he will be eagerly anticipating the release of the new game.

Wynn also mentioned that he would be returning to the United States, although he did not state the reason why.

In a statement, coming via Game Informer, BioWare commented on Wynn's departure, thanking him for the contributions he has made to the team. BioWare also assured fans that the development of "Mass Effect Andromeda" "continues to move full speed ahead" even with the sudden departure of its senior development director.

With questions surrounding Wynn's departure, there are some questions now being raised concerning what is next for "Mass Effect Andromeda's" development team.

More specifically, there's the question of who will be taking on Wynn's role, and for now, BioWare has not named any replacement.

BioWare is probably not inclined to make any immediate announced at the moment, especially since the game is not expected to arrive until 2016's holiday season.

Still, BioWare is likely to make further announcement regarding the recent opening sooner rather than later.

As for Wynn, there's no telling what he will do next, although he has hinted that he will be announcing something soon, Express UK reported.

Wynn is a veteran of the gaming industry, and given his credentials, there will likely be more than a few opportunities open to him should he choose to pursue them.

More news about "Mass Effect Andromeda" and Chris Wynn should be available in the next few weeks.