'Mass Effect: Andromeda' release date, news: Upcoming title takes a very different turn

A promotional screenshot from "Mass Effect: Andromeda"Bioware official website

Fans can expect that the upcoming "Mass Effect: Andromeda" will be entirely different from the previous games of the series. This has been the message of creative director Mac Walters of BioWare, the game developer.

Red Bull reports, during the panel interview at the New York Comic-Con, Walters stated that fans will be in for a surprise for their upcoming game. The development team was not aiming for a trilogy when the project started, so it will not be a continuation of the past.

"Mass Effect: Andromeda is different because we want it to be different. Mass Effect already was an evolution from the Space Marine that just destroys everything without caring too much, without recognizing the impact he has on his surroundings. But with Andromeda we want this to be a hero journey," Walters said.

He also added, "You don't start as a hero, ready to face whatever lies ahead. You start as a fairly ordinary person, sure with some military training, but still, a lot to learn. You are not a natural-born leader, more a fish out of water. You start as a Pathfinder, not an Elite Soldier, and that's a totally different story."

"Mass Effect: Andromeda" is about exploration, as Walters further explained the upcoming game. The helmets were patterned similarly to the ones used by the U.S. Air Force, always ready for any threat, while the suits are mostly white and blue that conveys friendliness. A built-in jetpack also comes in with the suit, one of the differences with the previous game, giving players the option to bail out on tight situations. That is if the aliens are not that friendly.

Meanwhile, iDigital Times reported that studio design lead Ian Frazier boasts about the lighting and audio effects for their upcoming game. He said that the design team focused on giving great visual enjoyment for the fans, and they are confident that it is what the fans will get. The game's overall audio characteristics were also given much thought. The game's combat scene will really put the players into the situation with all the sound details that go with it.

"Mass Effect: Andromeda" will be available for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC. No exact date has been announced so far, but the game is expected to roll out in the first quarter of 2017. Fans are also looking forward to the N7 Day Event that will happen on Nov. 7.