Matt and Beth Redman join Message Trust as guest tutors for Genetik 2011-12

World-renowned worship leader Matt and author-speaker Beth, a former member of the World Wide Message Tribe, will be regular guest tutors with The Message’s Genetik training programme in a new stream aiming to train and release new worship leaders and songwriters aged 18-25.

They will be part of a team of world class course tutors also including worship leader Tim Hughes who, as well as teaching sessions, will offer face-to-face and distance coaching in song writing, helping new young song writers find their unique voice.

‘Songs are such a powerful tool in the kingdom of God, and we're excited to encourage and equip people in this area, alongside all the other amazing stuff they'll be growing in,’ comments Matt. ‘At the end of the day, the main fruit won't be more songs, though – it will be lives changed. God is going to work powerfully both in and through the lives of those on this course.’

Matt and Beth Redman’s involvement boosts what is already one of the strongest youth work training courses available in the UK. Genetik offers 18-25s with a heart for young people ten month of intensive hands-on training in Christian youth work.

Based at The Message Trust in Manchester, Genetik students become part of the ‘Message family’ – living in local communities and serving on Message projects.

Each student chooses one of three specialist tracks to develop excellence in their God-given talents and ‘Eden Worship’ complements the two established tracks. ‘Creative Ministry’ hones the talents of singers, MCs, DJs and dancers; ‘Urban Youthwork’ trains young evangelists in all aspects of community youth work alongside The Message’s long-term incarnational Eden mission teams.

‘Genetik changes lives,’ says Message Trust founder and CEO Andy Hawthorne. ‘Many of the young people who come on the course go on to accomplish amazing things for God in the churches and the places they come from.’

Over 200 course graduates are testimony to the course’s quality. Many have stayed in Manchester as Eden workers, members of schools bands (including Twelve24’s Josh, Ryan and Christina, and LZ7’s Rob), or behind the scenes – such as graphic designer Bethan: 'Genetik helped me become the person God made me to be. It's an amazing creative place where you can't help but grow in your giftings, and you’ll probably discover new ones too!'