May Britain depart the European Union in peace, says Methodist leader

(Photo: Unsplash/NikMacMillan)

Britain is leaving the European Union on January 31 and the Methodist Church is praying that it will be peaceful. 

Reflecting on Brexit day, the Rev Dr Jonathan Hustler, Secretary of the Methodist Conference, took inspiration from the words of Simeon in Luke 2:29 when, after seeing Jesus presented in the temple, he prays that the Lord might allow his servant to "depart in peace". 

"When we come to celebrate the Presentation on Sunday 2 February, a new chapter in the United Kingdom's history will have begun as we will formally have left the European Union," he said. 

"Of course, there are deep divisions in the Church about whether or not that accords with God's will. For some, exiting the EU is the right step for the UK; for others, the departure of 31 January is a mistake of historic proportions.

"For some this will be a moment of rejoicing and a chance to look ahead with excitement; for others it is a time that they wished never to see and they look ahead with trepidation.

"That may be particularly the case for those brothers and sisters who are citizens of EU countries and who are deeply apprehensive about the future. We hold them in our intercessions at this time." 

He said that the prayer of the Church must also be that the nation may "depart in peace, recognizing the mixed emotions that all will experience this week, acknowledging the hurts and fears of many and the joys of others (even where we do not understand those feelings), and committing into God's hands our nation's future and the future of our European neighbours".

He said that the end of January would not mean the end of the debate over Brexit, as negotiations around Britain's relationship with the EU will continue.  It's relationship with the constituent parts of the UK will also continue to be debated for some time, he noted. 

"Our prayers will be both for the healing of the divisions that have come to light over the last four years and for our political representatives as they work to shape a plethora of future relationships," he concluded.

"It is with an awareness of great complexity that we pray that our departure may be in peace."

The Rev Barbara Glasson, President of the Methodist Conference, has written a prayer to be used in conjunction with Brexit day: 

However we feel about today
 We mark this Brexit day
 As people who grieve or celebrate together
 One people
 Loved equally, freely and unconditionally
 By the one wise all-seeing God
 Either way let us hold this day gently
 Giving ourselves permission to leave
 Without elation or despair
 Determined to love our neighbour
 Support the weak and welcome the stranger
 Lord of all life
 Let your servants depart in peace
 And live according to your Holy Law