Mayweather trainer rebukes Floyd Mayweather Sr. for insulting boxer Adrien Broner

Floyd Mayweather Sr.Reuters

Floyd Mayweather Sr. is once again in the headlines, but he isn't the one doing the talking. Rather, it is Mike Stafford, the trainer of a boxer he called a bum, who was infuriated with the tactless comments that Floyd Sr. made after Adrien Broner once again lost to Shawn Porter by unanimous decision.

After that defeat, Mayweather Sr. hurled some verbal insults at Broner through

"I'll be honest with you. I voted for Broner. I was thinking Broner was going to win. You can't keep making excuses for people. You can't keep making excuses. If he knows that there is something that he didn't do right, he knows right from wrong. If he did it wrong and got his ass whooped, that's what is supposed to happen," Mayweather Sr. said.

Bjut Stafford was not the first one to react to the comments. Rather, it was his son, Floyd Mayweather Jr. who lambasted his father for making the comments and told him to focus on his fighters rather than hurl verbal jabs at fighters under his stable.

On, an emotional Stafford said: "What Floyd Sr. is doing, he's an opportunist living off his son, saying he's the best off his son. He don't know nothing about developing talent, someone else's son." 

A previous post mentioned that Broner has been getting a lot of heat for not taking his career seriously. And Floyd Mayweather Jr. has taken note of this, though he has not totally given up on Broner.

Mayweather Jr. remains patient and is still showing some sign of hope that Broner will address his priorities, even suggesting that Broner train at the Mayweather Boxing Club rather than in Cincinatti.

All this will of course depend on Broner. If he continues to stay his course, expect more criticism heading his way.