Medair health clinic looted in West Darfur

The Swiss-based NGO Medair has expressed its great concern by reports concerning the looting of a primary health care clinic it supports in the village of Bir Dagaig in West Darfur, Sudan.

Although information is difficult to verify in this remote location, several eyewitnesses have reported that the clinic has been damaged, and its contents looted by armed militia.

Following a dispute between armed militia and the local community last week, village representatives report that the entire population fled the village, apparently in fear of an attack.

Most of them sought refuge in nearby towns, although a number of individuals are still reported missing. After locals fled, the village -- including the health clinic -- was looted, Medair reports.

Bir Dagaig is a village of around 6,500 people, situated some 30 kilometres north of the state capital, El Geneina. Its clinic, which treats around 60 patients per day, is operated by the local Ministry of Health and has been supported by Medair since 2001.

"This clinic is in a well-known and clearly marked location," said Ina Hogendoorn, Medair's Desk Officer for the northern states of Sudan. "It is completely unacceptable that it should be attacked in this way. The loss of essential medicines and supplies will have a significant impact on the provision of health care in the area."

Medair also supports emergency water systems and hand pumps in the area, although it is not currently known if these facilities have been damaged.

"This incident highlights the insecurity encountered in Darfur," said John Farmer, Medair's Operations Director. "Although none of our international staff were in Bir Dagaig at the time, this kind of incident demonstrates the threats faced by our staff and by local communities."

One of the villagers who fled to safer refuge said, "We appreciate the services Medair has provided in Bir Dagaig, especially as they were the first humanitarian agency to work there, many years ago. However, we need to feel safe."

Medair is continuing to monitor the situation in collaboration with other agencies, and is seeking ways to provide assistance to the communities affected by this incident.