Medical Ministers Bring Healing and Hope to Lebanon

A HCJB World Radio medical team recently travelled to Lebanon to bring healing and hope to victims of the Israeli-Hezbollah conflict.

The team of six women, five from Ecuador and one from England, found serious medical and spiritual needs in the war-devastated areas of Lebanon during their two week stay.

HCJB, which has been broadcasting satellite and shortwave programmes into the North Africa/Middle East region for years, sent the team in response to a request from a partner organisation on the ground for a team of non-North American female doctors.

The team found itself well-positioned to connect with other women and the children still suffering from the violence of war.

"We met people who had lost family members in the war, patients who had suffered hearing loss due to the bombs dropped, and some patient's homes had been damaged or destroyed," said Sheila, international health coordinator for HCJB World Radio, whose last name could not be revealed for security reasons.