Meditating with Scripture

Recently many Christians have begun to take an interest in an ancient, traditional way of reading the Bible called lectio divina, which is literally translated from the Latin as ‘divine’ or spiritual reading.

An example of the inspiration for lectio divina is found in Paul’s letter to the Christians at Colosse.

They are told to ‘let the word of Christ dwell in you richly’ (3:16, NIV). The word is to saturate their spirits—that’s the literal meaning of ‘dwelling richly’.

This way of reading is more like an engagement with a living being than studying a book.

At Colosse, this group of Christians are simply to open themselves to the scripture and listen to its inner voice together.

After all, the Bible wasn’t written for the library or the lecture theatre, but to enable ordinary believers to meet with God, to hear his voice, to enter into a kind of conversation of the soul.

Elena Bosetti’s Meditating with the Scripture: John’s Gospel uses the method for lectio divina inspired by the Way, Truth and Life methodology proposed by Father James Alberione, the founder of the Pauline Family, a global Christian community dedicated to following the example of Paul.

Each chapter of the book takes a passage from John’s Gospel and offers:
1. A brief devotional commentary on the passage (truth)
2. Questions to help readers dialogue with the passage (way)
3. A pause to ponder, an inspirational reflection on the passage (life)

Author and broadcaster Canon David Winter said: "This is as persuasive an introduction as one could get to lectio divina, a way of reading the Bible that lets the sacred text speak directly to heart and mind.

"Elena Bosetti uses way, truth and life as triple keys to unlock the word of God to the reader’s heart and the reader’s heart to the word of God."

Elena Bosetti teaches New Testament at the Gregorian University in Rome and also the Institute of Religious Studies in Modena. She is the author of many popular books on scripture (including Praying with Women of the Bible and devotional commentaries on the Synoptic Gospels, published by Pauline Books & Media in the USA), and is a Sister of Jesus the Good Shepherd of the Pauline Family.

Meditating with Scripture: John’s Gospel is out on 23 July, priced £7.99.