Meet Andy Rocker, frontman of Seven Stories Up

|PIC1|When did you first feel called to do music for God? What was it like?

I remember this like it was yesterday. It was the summer of 2002 at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I was 19 and attending Summer Beach Project. We had weekly large group sessions of teaching and worship. One night, at one of these sessions, the band was on stage and I looked at the worship leader and that's when the Lord spoke and simply told me, "That is what you're going to be doing for the rest of your life."

The funny part about it is that I didn't even know how to play guitar at the time! I rejected what I had heard and tried my best to ignore it, but, over the course of the next year, it became quite clear that being a worship leader and songwriter was my passion and desire.

What is your favourite song of all time and why?

'True Love' by Phil Wickham. In my opinion, it's one of the best songs written that can display the Gospel perfectly from start to finish.

Can you share with us about some difficulties you faced in the making of the album, Falling, and how God worked through it?

It was pretty difficult choosing which songs would make the album and which ones would get cut. I was really fond of all the ones we had written and recorded, but there could only be six. In the end, I'm really happy with the ones we chose. But I'm also really excited to share the ones that didn't make it onto this album possibly on another album. Who knows!

Out of all the songs in Falling, which one is your favourite?

For me, Taking Over is my favourite. It's a song that was written about overcoming addictions. I've had a few friends who have struggled with serious addictions, and to see them come out on the other side, surviving to tell the story of how they made it through such a terrible time is simply miraculous. The song speaks to hope and perseverance; hitting rock bottom and finding the strength in Christ to push back to the surface to breathe fresh air.

Can you share with us one amazing thing that God has done for you in your life?

My teenage years were an absolute mess, riddled with bad decisions that could have ultimately led to me not being around today. Miraculously, the Lord brought me through all of those bad decisions so that I can stand and testify to the grace and love of my Saviour who loves me beyond my bad decisions and truly has a plan for my life.

Tell us something special and unique about yourself!

I'm a sucker for shoes. I know it's normally a girl thing to like shoes, but I really love cool shoes. I don't know why, I just do. Is that weird? Haha! Oh, and Puma's are my favourite!

What is one issue in the world that is very close to your heart and you feel burdened to make a difference for?

Injustice. Everyday, millions of people live without the ability to fight for themselves. They're held captive by tyrants and poverty. Psalm 140:12 says, "I know the Lord secures justice for the poor and uphold the cause of the needy." Those of us who have the ability to fight need to stand up and do just that. We must fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.

Do you have a prayer request for your band?

Please pray for us that influence, not fame, would forever be our goal as a band. As John Piper says, "It's better to lose your life than to waste it." We don't want to waste our lives hoping for fame and the things that will fade away. Thanks for your prayers.

Andy Rocker was interviewed by Christian music and reviews website, Breathecast. Printed with permission.