Megachurch Pastor Stovall Weems tells congregants he saw Jesus at Easter; 'He had brown hair'

A megachurch pastor from Florida has claimed to have seen Jesus Christ face-to-face. Pastor Stovall Weems told members of his congregation during last Easter Sunday's gathering that Jesus was at his house on Good Friday.

Pastor Stovall Weems claimed he had an encounter with Jesus on Good Friday.YouTube/Celebration Church

In a video posted on YouTube, Weems said that he heard Jesus' voice and felt his presence. He also got an insight on his "unique personality" and that it overwhelmed him.

"I can't describe the closeness that I felt with Jesus," the pastor said in his testimony. "He didn't look at me, I never saw the front of his face. He was wearing a white garment. He had brown hair."

Weems also confessed that he experienced so many emotions after the encounter that he couldn't sleep until the next day. The pastor also acknowledged his wife, Kerri, for helping him process what happened and put it in context. Kerri was on the stage with the pastor as he shared how he witnessed Jesus.

Soon after his testimony became news, Weems received some criticism on the Internet. Some made comments about "false teachers and prophets," while others challenged Weems for claiming the face-to-face encounter when he also said he did not actually see Jesus' face.

Before sharing his Good Friday experience, the pastor also told his congregation that what he shared might sound unbelievable. In his 28 years as a servant of God, Weems said that he's aware of how people usually react when they hear claims from others who have met Jesus Christ.

Weems pastors at Celebration Church, which has over 12,000 members. The ministry is also a member of the Association of Related Churches.