Melissa McCarthy 2016 news: 'Gilmore Girls' star reveals she's shed 75 pounds in last 3 years

A promotional still from "Gilmore Girls" featuring actress Melissa McCarthy (R)Warner Bros/The CW

Melissa McCarthy once weighed over 236 pounds, particularly during her time in shows like "Gilmore Girls" and "Mike and Molly." However, since her resurgence in films like "The Heat," "Spy," and "Ghostbusters" fans have noticed that she has been losing weight, and the actress has recently stepped forward to give further details.

Speaking to Foods 4 Better Health, McCarthy revealed that she has lost over 75 pounds since 2013 and had gone from size 28 to 14. She jokingly stated that she credits a lot of her weight loss to good sleep, and while it was meant to be taken light-heartedly, the report does point out that good sleep does help reduce obesity.

McCarthy further explained that her diet is made up of low-carb, high-fat, and high-protein meals. These would include some popular diet plans like the Atkins diet plan, the ketogenic diet, the Paleo diet, and the Zone diet. All of these reportedly focus on suppressing a person's appetite while increasing metabolism and muscle mass.

These diets also help McCarthy reduce inflammation and keeps her insulin levels relatively low for 12 hours, making it useful to combat type-2 diabetes. In the report, McCarthy shared the exact contents of her meals, from breakfast to dinner, as well as the contents of her daily snacks.

With regards to her exercise program, the actress revealed she utilizes a High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) system instead of just jogging on a treadmill for half an hour. This would consist of doing martial arts for 30 minutes and then shifting to something else, such as 10 minutes on a rowing machine.

The actress, as stated by Game N Guide, has been listed as the second highest-paid actress of the year, earning over $33 Million. She will appear next in the Netflix revival of "Gilmore Girls," titled "Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life," and in the 2018 movie "Life of the Party."