Memorial Service for Capsize Victims

A memorial service has taken place on a beach in the Shetlands for the dead and missing crew of an oil-rig vessel which capsized in the North Atlantic last week.

Fourteen of the crew on board the Bourbon Dolphin at the time of the tragedy were Norwegian. One was from Denmark. Among the five dead or missing were Oddne Arve Remøy, 44, and his son David Remøy, 14, from the island community of Herøy.

The memorial service at the Sands of Sound beach on Sunday at Lerwick brought together survivors of the capsizing and relatives of the dead and missing.

Bourbon Offshore representatives were also present for the service which was conducted in Norwegian.

As the service drew to a close, flowers were laid in the water in tribute to those who lost their lives.

The close-knit community of Herøy, meanwhile, joined together with local government representatives for a prayer service in a local church to remember the father and son.

The oilrig support vessel capsized in the Atlantic 80 miles off Shetland in the vicinity of the Rosebank oilfield last Thursday night. It was just over a mile from the oilrig it had been in the process of stabilising when it suddenly overturned.

The 15-year old boy was on work experience as part of the "working week" that is mandatory for all Norwegian teenagers. His father was the boat's captain.

Other crew members were thrown into the water and were picked up later by a rescue helicopter before being transported to Lerwick hospital for treatment. They were later released and reunited with loved ones.