'Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain' news: Secret nuclear disarmament event opened by Konami


Publisher Konami has been keeping its latest role-playing success, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain," on the top of gamers' list by constantly updating the title with new content. In the latest round of expanded in-game missions and unlocked secrets, Konami announced that new high-stakes missions have been opened.

This time though, instead of gamers trying to infiltrate bases and capture enemy strongholds, they will try to disarm the nuclear weapons of each one.

According to the official announcement on Konami's website, the secret nuclear disarmament mission is not a free- nor open-for-all event. In order for players to participate, Konami laid out at least four conditions for gamers to trigger the event.

To start, players must have progressed deep into "Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain," and have at least finished Mission 31. In addition, the players who have already set up their forward bases must not have a nuclear weapon in it. Meanwhile, there are also changing requirements depending on the regional server, such as the number of nuclear weapons present per region. The platform that the gamer uses for the game title will also be a factor in unlocking the event, since Konami tagged the number of nuclear weapons per the number of players per region and per platform.

Once the conditions are met, the nuclear disarmament event will automatically be triggered when players return to their Mother Bases from a main mission. The event will be refreshed when all nuclear weapons per regional server and per platform reach zero.

For conditions three and four, Konami asked players to check out the company's Twitter page as the publisher will be posting constant updates on the current number of nuclear weapons present in "MGSV: The Phantom Pain," listed per platform.

The event can be triggered in all versions of the game, both older- and current-gen consoles and for PC via Steam.