'Metal Gear Survive' news: Second save slot for game requires real money payment to acquire

Screengrab from the campaign commentary trailer for "Metal Gear Survive"YouTube/Konami

It remains to be seen whether players can survive the overcharging of the publisher of "Metal Gear Survive," as a basic feature of the game has been reported to cost as much as $10.

The said basic feature or function for the game is an extra save slot so that other players can create their own saves in the same computer, which is useful to those who have siblings or close ones who also want to play the game. The said feature will cost a player $10 to obtain, which is quite a hard pill to swallow for a lot of players since a lot of bigger or even smaller games include the said feature for free. Even games that do not include a basic extra save slot at least do not charge players to add some.

The added save slot for "Metal Gear Survive" can be bought using an in-game digital currency called SV. Konami, the game's publisher and franchise rights owner, made it so SV can be obtained with real money and in increments of $0.99 per 100 SV or $1. The SV required for a character save slot is 1000 basically putting the real money cost at $10 for a single save slot.

What makes matters worse is that there seems to be no way in-game to earn SV without spending real money, meaning players will have to fork out cash in order to attain a basic feature which is somewhat of a standard in today's games. Granted Konami is giving out free SV as login bonuses, but those are quite few and can only amount to just 120 SV by the time the event ends.

Another demanding feature which requires SV is the storage for custom weapons and loadout slots in multiplayer where additional weapons space costs as much as 500 SV or $5 dollar to obtain. A lot of players are outraged at this notion since the game already costs $40 and is actually an AAA title with expected features befitting of its development budget.

Konami has yet to comment on the issue or state if they will be adding ways to acquire SV without spending money.