Meteor shower tonight August 13 2013: There's still time to view Perseids star show [LIVE FEED VIDEO]

For those who missed the 2013 Perseid meteor shower peak last night, there is still a ahcne to view the spectacular shooting star show tonight. Star gazers with views of clear skies were able to see the Perseids lighting up the night around the world but for those who missed it, there is still a chance to catch a glimpse of the dazzling cosmic debris display.

View the Perseid meteor shower in the live video feed below:

This year's falling star show is extra special, as the moon is a crescent moon, and the abscence of moonlight will make the skies extra dark. The Perseids strengthn in number as the night deepends into midnight and "typically produce the most meteors in the wee hours before dawn," according to Earthsky. The Perseid meteor shower started July 17 and although it will continue until August 14, it was at its peak on August 12.

The optimal viewing time to watch the meteor shower is in the predawn hours. The best way to view the display is to drive to a place wtihout any city lights. No special equipment is required to view the meteor shower.

The Perseid meteor shower occurs in July and August as the earth orbits through the debris of the Swift-Tuttle comet. The debris, made of iron-nickel and other minerals, gets pulled into the earth from our planet's gravity. As it enters the Earth's atmosphere, the debris turns into hot balls of gass. The meteors entering our planet when darkness falls comes from the constellation Perseus.

UK Meteor Network