Methodist Relief & Development Fund Celebrates Gift Aid Contributions

The Methodist Relief and Development Fund has received an extra £110,000 in the year to 31 August, credited by a UK government initiative. The UK government had launched the Gift Aid scheme in 2000, which allows all registered charities to claim back the tax paid on donations. For each pound that is ‘gift aided’ by a taxpayer in UK, the charity receives an extra 28p at no cost to the donor.

|TOP|“This extra £110,000 comes as a result of hundreds of people doing something as simple as filling in an MRDF gift aid envelope or a declaration form,” said Sarah Hagger, MRDF Supporter Relations Team.

The total raised through gift aid this year is the highest that we’ve ever achieved. Just imagine what we could raise if everyone who was eligible to claim gift aid did so.”

According to Methodist Church, the extra £110,000 raised through Gift Aid scheme is enough to:

train 400 farmers in sustainable agricultural techniques

AND build new wells for 15 villages

AND provide subsidised meals at five street children shelters for a whole year

AND provide earthquake-proof housing for 10 families in tsunami-affected areas

AND support 40 women’s income generating groups that help rural families earn enough to send their children to school.

“The money that MRDF has been able to claim through Gift Aid has had a direct impact on the lives of thousands of people in the world’s poorest communities. £110,000 is equivalent to a dozen typical MRDF grants made to partner organisations,” said Isabelle Carboni, MRDF Programme Officer for Asia and West Africa.

A fact sheet has been prepared by MRDF to clarify the Gift Aid scheme for those who are confused about the system and to encourage people to maximise the benefits of the Gift Aid.