Methodist charity celebrates accolades for partners

The Methodist Relief and Development Fund (MRDF) is celebrating as two of its overseas partners were honoured for their outstanding work.

The international development charity, which works in some of the world’s poorest countries, recently received news that partner organisations in India and Cameroon had been singled out for their work with flood survivors and the elderly respectively.

One of the charity’s local partners in India, Rural Action in Development Society (RAIDS), received a government commendation for its quick and effective and response when devastating floods hit Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh in Southern India in October 2009.

MRDF immediately sent a grant of £15,000, which provided food, clothes and counselling services to thousands of survivors.

On receiving the award, Mr Raju, the director of RAIDS, said: "We are very happy. Everyone who participated in the distribution of relief is highly elated."

Another MRDF partner, Community Development Volunteers for Technical Assistance (CDVTA) was recently named 2009 NGO of the Year at the Cameroon Guardian Post Media Awards.

The local organisation helps elderly people through training and small loans to support themselves and sometimes numerous grandchildren in rural Cameroon. CDVTA volunteers also visit frail elderly people to assist them in practical needs, like collecting wood for their fires or re-thatching their roofs.

MRDF Director Kirsty Smith said: "We are absolutely thrilled that our partners have been honoured in this way.

"These organisations are well placed to deliver the kind of assistance people need because they are based in the heart of poor communities.

"The accolades have thrown a spotlight on the crucial work that these organisations carry out all year round with some of the world’s poorest people, and we are privileged to be a part of this."