Methodist Church Issues Special Advent Calendar with Global Perspective

The Methodist Relief and Development Fund (MRDF) has launched its Christmas appeal with a special fundraising advent calendar aimed at giving a more global perspective, announced a Methodist Church press release.

|TOP|The calendar tracks the story of Wassa Traoré who travelled hours across Mali in order to give birth in the safety of a proper health centre where she and her child could receive the necessary care and medical attention.

Wassa’s journey to the health centre to give birth to her baby girl, Safiatou, mirrors that hope and hardship experienced by Mary and Joseph in their trek to Bethlehem where Jesus was born.

“Advent is a time of hope,” said director of MRDF, Kirsty Smith. “Wassa was determined her baby would be born in the best possible place, even if she had to walk miles. She can now celebrate the safe delivery of a healthy baby at the Kadiana health centre, which is equipped and supported by an MRDF partner organisation.”

The calendar aims to highlight the plight of many women in developing countries who suffer because of a lack of access to good quality health care.

According to the Methodist Church, women in Mali are 150 times more likely to die in childbirth than women in Europe because of the lack of basic medical care.

MRDF appealed to people to discover the stories of people like Wassa and to offer their support in bringing better protection to mothers and their children in developing countries.

The MRDF is already working with partner organisations in many developing countries to provide essential pre and post natal care, improved nutrition and simple health care for children in the crucial first few years of life.

The advent calendar is decorated with both illustrations and Bible quotations, with colourful images behind each of the 24 windows.

“It provides a great opportunity for children and their families to learn about life in another country as they count down to Christmas, while at the same time supporting health projects which ensure more women have the opportunity to give birth safely and that their children have a better start in life,” read the Methodist statement.

The MRDF advent calendars cost just £2.50 each and can be purchased by emailing, calling 020 7467 5132 or by sending a cheque made payable to MRDF to: MRDF, 25 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5JR.

All profits made from the sale of the calendars will go towards MRDF projects promoting infant and maternal health in developing countries.