Methodist Church launches audio Bible study

A Word in Time, the Methodist Church's online Bible study for daily life, was launched at the beginning of September and has been hugely successful, with around 300 visitors to the site every day.

Now the team at the Church have decided to make the studies even more accessible by creating an audio file of each day's Bible study, and a bigger file with all of the studies for each week so that they can easily be downloaded onto a computer or mp3 player for users to listen to at a time convenient to them.

Alison Pollard, web writer and researcher and the new voice of A Word in Time says, "People find it increasingly difficult to make time to read and reflect on the Bible in today's busy world. A Word in Time made it easier by giving people access to a Bible study on the internet.

"Now we've taken it to the next level and you can catch up with your daily Bible study at a time most convenient to you - whether you're cooking dinner, doing your weekly shop or on the daily commute to work."

A Word in Time features a daily Bible reading, background and an explanation of the text, reflections and questions to ponder from that week's contributor.

It follows the readings in the Methodist Prayer Handbook bringing the 40,000 readers of the handbook together with online disciples in their search for daily spirituality.

Each audio file is available in two formats - a high quality version for those using broadband internet connections and a lower-quality file for those using a dial-up connection. The audio files for past Bible studies are available online in the Word in Time archives.

The audio Bible studies are also ideal for sharing with those who otherwise might not have access to daily Bible notes, perhaps because of a disability or simply not having access to the internet.