Methodist Church Launches Face 2 Faith Photo Competition

A photo competition is to be held by the Methodist Church's month of prayer for interfaith relations, where contestants capture images that communicate something powerful about inter faith relations.

People of all ages and faiths are being encouraged to take part in the Face 2 Faith photo competition, which is sponsored by Methodist Insurance.

The competition will be judged on how well an image expresses something about inter faith relations and how people of different faiths in Britain and Ireland can live, work and love together. The first prize is £350 Jessops vouchers.

Anyone in Britain and Ireland can enter, with young people especially encouraged to take part. Up to four pictures can be submitted with digital, print and even camera phone images being accepted

Face 2 Faith, which runs throughout February 2007, will encourage churches to take part in three ways: by praying for better inter faith relations in Britain and the world, by doing something to encourage inter faith understanding in their community and by entering the Face 2 Faith photo competition.

The competition will run until May 31 2007 and entries will be displayed on