Methodist Church launches new online service to make giving easier

The Methodist Church has made giving to its funds easier than ever by setting up an Internet facility for donations and fundraising.

The website is reliable, secure and easy to use, the Church said, and by using GiftAid, UK taxpayers can increase the value of their donation by 28 per cent at no extra cost to them.

Supporters are able to donate to four of the Methodist Church's funds using this method - JMA, the Methodist Church Fund, the Methodist Church Fund for World Mission and the Methodist Church Fund for Home Mission.

John Nutt, Mission Education Co-ordinator, said: "Giving to Methodist Church funds has never been so easy. Not many people carry a chequebook around with them these days and people are increasingly choosing to shop and donate to their favourite causes online.

"We are truly grateful for every donation we receive, however it is given, no matter how big or small. And, of course, we still very much welcome donations by traditional methods."

The facility may also be used by churches and groups organising fundraising activities by helping them to create their own JustGiving webpage with a link to the fund they want to raise money for. More information on how to do this has been made available on the website or from Mission Education.

The new system has already been used successfully in the Church's emergency appeal following severe flooding in south Mexico.

It is also possible to use the secure giving system to make regular donations to the funds or to offer a gift in memory of someone who has passed away.

The more technically-minded can even download 'widgets' from JustGiving to place a donation link on their own website or network page.

To donate online to one of the Methodist funds online, visit