Methodist Church of Britain to Launch New Historic London District
The Methodist Church in the South East will undergo an historic development at the start of September, as a new Methodist London District comes into existence to serve the Greater London region.
|TOP|The new district has come about as the Methodist Church looks to renew and adapt its mission focus, and to put its efforts more into serving the community.
As a result of the new London district becoming established, a further two districts will be formed in the South East of England, covering the areas around London.
At present there are 4 London Districts, each working with separate patterns and initiatives. However, the Church now hopes to better contribute to the city as a whole by focusing the responsibility of London to within a single district.
It will also mean that the other new districts - the South-East District and the Bedfordshire, Essex and Hertfordshire District – will be able to focus more clearly on the unique demands of the areas they serve.
The Rev Ken Howcroft, Methodist Secretary for Conference and Communication, commented: “We’ve redrawn district lines so that they simply make more sense. This presents us with exciting new opportunities to serve our church communities and the communities of wider society in more suitable, flexible ways.
|AD|“It will not only be London that benefits from this move, but the whole of the South East of England. This change helps us to take better advantage of the resources we have and use them more effectively.
“Planning for the new districts has already led to an explosion of creative vision and energy amongst the people in the churches involved. It’s important for all our districts to be able to review their patterns of work in this way.”
The Rev John Hellyer, together with three assistant chairs, will lead the new South-East District, which covers the southern areas surrounding London.
The Rev Anne Brown will be Chair of the Bedfordshire, Essex and Hertfordshire District; she is currently Chair of the London North-West District, which will cease to exist when the new London District comes into being.
Due to its size and diversity, the London District will be led by three chairs working cooperatively; the Rev Ermal Kirby as the lead Chair, and the Revs Jenny Impey and Dr Stuart Jordan as co-Chairs.
The Rev Ermal Kirby reported, “There is a unique opportunity for the Church, working in partnership with a wide range of other agencies, to further an understanding of what it means to be an inclusive community. Both as Methodists and as members of the wider Christian family, we have a contribution to make to that urgent dialogue.”
Each new District will celebrate its creation with a special service, starting with the launch of the Bedfordshire, Essex and Hertfordshire District in Chelmsford Cathedral on 31 August.
The London District will be launched in Westminster Central Hall on 2 September, and the South-East District on 3 September at the Assembly Hall Theatre in Tunbridge Wells.