Methodist Church Warns Social Cultures Cannot Change by Legislation Alone

The Methodist Church’s coordinating Secretary for Public Life and Social Justice, Anthea Cox, recently gave a statement on changes to UK’s alcohol licensing. She stated that the Methodist Church welcomes the indications from the Government that it might scale back or even repeal parts of the legislation that will aim to loosen licensing laws.

From the beginning of this process, the Methodist Church has warned that social cultures cannot be changed by legislation alone. “Although we welcome the intention behind the Acts – namely, to reduce binge drinking as people try to fit as many drinks as possible before 11pm – the real effect coudl be to make the situation worse,” said Cox.

“There is much work needed to change people's attitude to drinking. It is still hard to find good non-alcoholic alternatives, so that people can choose to moderate their alcohol consumption without winding up with a small, boring or overpriced soft drink. Our Mocktails competition produced dozens of good alcohol- free drinks that are fun to drink, and we encourage people to continue to push pubs and bars to adopt these or others like them.

The Methodist church believes that active cooperation between national and local governments are needed, including businesses and police and everyone else that cares for those with drinking problems.

Cox concluded, “It is a complex matter, and the drinking culture will take years to change, but this Act alone is not the solution, and may make matters worse.”