'Strength to Strength' conference for African organisations

This week the Methodist Relief and Development Fund (MRDF) has begun its first conference in Addis Ababa for its African partner organisations.

Representatives from 29 local organisations based in 11 African countries are attending the conference "Strength to Strength", which will run until Monday.

Francis Njuakom from Cameroon is the director of a MDRF partner organisation that runs social and income generating clubs for poor and isolated elderly people.

He said before the conference, "It will be such a lovely and enriching experience to have MRDF's most trusted partners across Africa to come together and share the magic of differences that we are all using in our various organisations to transform lives and communities."

The conference features workshops on issues such as HIV and Aids, advocacy, sustainable agriculture and financial planning.

Delegates will also be given opportunities to share their own stories, advice and experiences with each other.

Margaret Nakato, the co-ordinator of a women's development project in rural Uganda said, "I believe when there is face to face interaction, people relax and get to know each other better. In the process they share a lot of information about themselves and the work they are doing.

"Some of this will be unique and provide new insights. I am looking forward to hearing those stories that are difficult or are not normally put in writing."

The Director of MRDF, Kirsty Smith, added, "At MRDF, we are very excited about this opportunity for our partners to get together and share their knowledge and experience.

"Good financial management or strategic planning may not sound very glamorous, compared to buying goats or sinking wells, but only well run, financially sound organisations can improve the lives of poor communities in the long term.

"Training events, like this conference, help ensure that money from our supporters is well managed and that programmes are delivered by well equipped and trained staff. By sharing skills and resources, we can all become stronger."

A daily blog of the latest events at the conference can be seen at: www.mrdf.org.uk