Methodist & Reformed Churches Push Government to Make Poverty History

Yesterday morning, representatives from the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church visited Downing Street to remind the Prime Minister of the responsibilities that it must take up as the British presidency of the European Union begins, such as removing unfair trade rules in the call for trade justice.
The group of representatives included Anthea Cox (Methodist Church Co-ordinating Secretary for Public Life and Social Justice), the Revd Martin Turner (Superintendent minister at Westminster Central Hall), Anne Martin (United Reformed Church Commitment for Life Co-ordinator) and the Revd David Downing (Minister at Rectory Road and Claremont United Reformed Churches, London). They presented a letter for the Prime Minister, signed by the Revd David Deeks (General Secretary of the Methodist Church) and the Revd David Cornick (General Secretary of the United Reformed Church). They also presented 2,000 postcards signed by members of both churches.

A letter urging the government to honour the statements by the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry made in March has also been sent to Peter Mandelson in Brussels. The statements say:

• We do not force trade liberalisation on developing countries either in the way we negotiate trade agreements or by making it a condition of our giving aid

• The EU make an upfront offer of complete duty- and quota-free access to each African, Caribbean and Pacific country, with no strings attached

As Britain takes the leadership in 2005, the churches believe that Britain should address the serious concern that Economic Partnership Agreements will force countries to open up their economies in a way that can hurt more rather than help – thus making those in poverty suffer even more.

“The Make Poverty History Campaign seeks to influence decision makers at several key events during 2005 of which the G8 summit was one. Britain’s presidency of the EU provides another significant way in which we can encourage European partners to take the issues seriously and work towards tacking the causes of extreme poverty,” said Anthea Cox. “The churches as a part of the Make Poverty History Coalition are urging the EU to rethink Economic Partnership Agreements.”

Anne Martin added, “Despite this being a complex issue, it is obvious that the current system is deeply against the interest of the poorest nations.”