Methodist Youth Ministry’s 60 Years of Success Leads the Way to Reform

Running towards the 60th anniversary of MAYC (the youth ministry of the Methodist Church) in 2005, MAYC is now ready for a reformation in an attempt to develop a more diversified role of the ministry to meet the real need of young people across the UK.

MAYC will no longer be known as the Methodist Association of Youth Clubs, instead, it will now be known as “MAYC - Supporting Youth Work in the Methodist Church.”

This change accounts for the evolution of the ministry. It has already moved away from its initial presence in youth clubs to a much wider role, which includes youth development and training courses, campaign works and various music projects.

MAYC’s website has also been upgraded with resources to read and download, campaign and worship material, policy information, ideas-exchange, a national events guide and many useful links to various organisations and groups around the country and beyond. The new website went live on Youth Sunday 21st November 2004.

Concerning the logo, MAYC’s new design represents a cross/plus sign, showing the positive effects of being part of MAYC while conveying the central focus of Christ in the work and ministry.

With a new name, new logo and new website, the MAYC has shown itself as well prepared to face the challenge ahead within the youth ministry in this changing generation.

MAYC will celebrate its 60th anniversary in 2005 and will be marking this milestone with a variety of events including:

6:T Invest - 14 May 2005: a Garden Party at Chester House, London
6:T Intense - 15-17 July 2005: National Weekend, Cliff College, Derbyshire
6:T Inspire - 16-18 September 2005: Weekend bash, at Truro School, Cornwall