Methodists Join Mass Lobby to Back Children’s Right

Organised by the “Children are Unbeatable!” Alliance, a mass lobby at Westminster Parliament will be held on Tuesday 26th October. The lobby aims to persuade MPs to amend the Children Bill to give children full protection from all kinds of assault.

Currently, the law allows “reasonable chastisement” as defined from the 1860 legal defence. The Alliance argues that children should have the same legal protection against being hit as adults and promotes positive, non-violent discipline.

The Methodist Church of Great Britain will take part in the mass lobby in an effort to secure equal rights for children.

Over the last summer, the debate over the Bill on a smacking ban has raged across the UK. After a long debate, clause 49 was added to the Children Bill in July in the House of Lords, which would allow parents to continue to justify smacking as “reasonable punishment” that would NOT meet human rights obligations under three international treaties (the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the European Social Charter).

A new report on the Children Bill by the parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights (JCHR) was published on Tuesday 21st September 2004. It urged complete abolition of the “reasonable chastisement” clause.

Revd Susan McIvor, who will represent The Methodist Church at the lobby, explained the bill with a Christian worldview, “Children were central to Jesus’ teachings about the new social order which was so revolutionary at the time. He regarded children as people who were to be treated with respect for their human dignity.”

She continued, “These same principles are endorsed in the recent report of the parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights, which also highlights the fact that we in the UK are lagging behind other countries in this long overdue reform for children.”

Christine Dodd, Coordinator of the Churches’ Network for Non-violence (CNNV) added, “Churches have historically been involved in social justice issues and it is to be expected that Christians should speak out on behalf of children. During the lobby we want to convey our belief that hitting children is wrong and that there is nothing ‘reasonable’ about ‘reasonable chastisement’, the archaic defence which must be changed so that small human beings have the same protection from being hit as adults enjoy.”

CNNV challenges the view that corporal punishment is a Biblical doctrine and believes that positive, non-violent discipline best models Christ’s teachings.

In addition, the organiser “Children are Unbeatable!” Alliance noted that research shows most children are hit and a significant number are hit severely, so professionals working with children and families want reform in order to strengthen child protection. Evidence from other countries suggest that law reforms change attitudes and behaviour for better parenting.

After the lobbyists meet MPs on Tuesday, the occasion will be marked with an ecumenical service dedicated to children and non-violence. For those who want to support the lobby can fill in an electronic postcard on the website of “Children are Unbeatable!” Alliance and send it to the MPs.