Methodists launch Church-wide consultation on climate change

The Methodist Church is giving its members the opportunity to make their voices heard on climate change as part of a newly launched consultation.

They are being invited to share their views on the draft Methodist Conference Statement on climate change, ‘Hope in God’s Future’.

The statement draws on a joint report of the same title on climate change received by the Methodist Conference in 2009 and written in collaboration with the United Reformed Church and Baptist Union of Great Britain.

The report states that the Church must repent for its complicity in climate change and take action to reduce its carbon footprint.

Once adopted, the statement will become the official view of the Church on climate change and the primary point of reference for key Church committees in formulating doctrine.

The results of the consultation will inform recommendations to the 2011 Methodist Conference on what shape the final statement should take.

“Climate change is an issue that affects all of us and is increasingly becoming a concern for many people around the world,” said David Webster, Internet Communications Coordinator, who is leading the consultation process.

“We hope as many Methodists as possible put forward their opinions, as we need a Conference Statement that reflects as much as possible the view of the entire Church on this important issue.”