Methodists launch plastic bag campaign

Methodists are backing a nationwide petition to press the Government on the introduction of a 10 pence charge to plastic carrier bags.

The petition has been launched by environmental network Green England, reports the Methodist Recorder, as part of an effort to reduce the approximately 12 billion plastic bags used in the UK each year.

The online petition has so far gathered more than 11,000 signatures since going live last July.

Each plastic bag has a potential lifespan of 400 years, making it a new source of concern for environmentalists.

Signatories from the Methodist Church include circuit ministers, several staff members of the Methodist Relief and Development Fund (MRDF), and the secretary for Pastoral Care and Spirituality in the Methodist Church Connexional Team the Rev Michaela Youngson.

She is encouraging more people to sign the petition. "I think it's a great idea. Anything that helps to reduce people's carbon footprint and helps them to think about their personal impact on the planet is a good thing.

"It's a practical way of showing our stewardship for God's creation," she was quoted by the Methodist Recorder as saying.

Green England is working with London councils as they prepare to propose a bill on the 10 pence tax next month.