Miami Heat NBA 2015 trade news: Considering Rajon Rondo

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Goran Dragic has long mentioned he is happy in South Beach which means the Heat may want to look at other players they can get into the team. But does the Heat really have a lock on the Slovenian guard?

There seems to be a cloud of doubt surrounding that right now with word that the Heat are considering Rajon Rondo who is set to become a free agent in the offseason.

Rondo has had a forgettable stint with the Dallas Mavericks who acquired the long-time Boston Celtic last December. He has had his spats with coach Rick Carlisle and from all indications, Rondo will not return to the Mavericks' fold.

The Heat could consider Rondo though things may get serious if Dragic for some reason ends up playing elsewhere which should also come as a surprise.

Rondo is also in the wish list of the Los Angeles Lakers though it would still depend on the salary he would be asking. Rondo had already talked to Kobe Bryant last December and the initial belief was that Rondo was on his way to wear the purple and gold.

It will most likely be the same case for Rondo in Miami. The Head don't necessarily have the ample cap space to pay off a high-salaried player and considering the wide options they can get from free agency, the Heat could place Rondo merely as one of their options.

Rondo could be a good fit and bring the leadership that he was best known in Boston. He stands to be a good compliment to Dwyane Wade (if he stays) and Chris Bosh, a good fit which could possibly place the Heat back on the right track.

All that hinges on the lineup changes forthcoming. That includes the coming NBA draft and NBA free agency. Rondo could be a great addition but his salary could be a problem.