Miami Heat trade rumors: Andray Blatche from Brooklyn Nets to sign on with Heat?

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Now that the beginning of NBA season is drawing closer, the possiblity of Andray Blatche joining Miami Heat is starting to make its way through the grapevine.

The 27-year-old player just had an impressive stint in the 2014 FIBA Basketball World Cup, making him one of the most deserving players who deserve to ink a deal in NBA.

Though the former center from the Brooklyn Nets had several behavioral issues back then, Blatche is still believed to be an ideal addition to the Heat's weal frontcourt rotation, which is only composed of Josh McRoberts, Chris Bosh, as well as Josh McRoberts.

Blatche managed to record an average of 11.2 points and 5.2 rebounds average last season. He also managed to offer an impressive offensive boost in the painted area. Though he will not be given a huge role in the rotation playing by Miami Heat head coach Erik Spoelstra, he will still definitely be a welcome offensive boost for the team's second unit, which struggled to come up with its own offense in the last few seasons.

During his short stint as the center for the Gilas Pilipinas team in FIBA, he showed a strong scoring average of 21.2 points per game as well 13.8 rebounds on the average.

An article posted in Rant Sports explained why Blatche would be a vital addition to the Heat.

"Bringing Blatche on board would also free up Bosh to play more at his natural position, which is power forward," the article said. "This move alone would yield benefits on the offensive side of the ball because Bosh is a finesse player from mid range. His bread and butter shots are all in that area of the court. His move to starting center will take away some of those shot opportunities." .

According to most analysts, the Heat camp should put all stops in order to make Blatche a part of their team.