Micah Challenge Welcomes Prime Minister's Question Time on 'Poverty'

Christian coalition Micah Challenge UK has the question of an MP to the Prime Minister asking how the UK Government aims to keep promises to halve extreme poverty by 2015.

|PIC1|Andrew George, MP for St Ives, asked Tony Blair during Prime Minister's Question Time on Wednesday what progress he would report to forthcoming EU and G8 summits on the Millennium Development Goals.

His words were inspired by 'The World Can't Wait' rally, which is expected to draw 10,000 people to the banks of the Thames on 2 June. Before the rally Christians will be joining to 'Blow the Whistle' at a worship service in Central Methodist Hall at Westminster.

Blow the Whistle is a Micah Challenge campaign launched to encourage Christians to 'Blow the Whistle' at half time. The MDGs were set in 2000 by world leaders at the United Nations Millennium Summit and 2007 marks the halfway point to the deadline.

Micah Challenge is a coalition of Christian organisations and churches united in their aim to hold to the Government to account on its promises to the poor.

Mr George went on to ask: "As campaigners say, the world cannot wait, so does the Prime Minister believe that G8 leaders will ever live up to the hopes of their people and, if so, what does he believe it is now necessary to deliver (the MDGs)?"

Mr Blair spoke about the success of Gleneagles in increasing the number of children going into primary education and improvements in HIV and Aids treatment.

Referring to the G8 Summit he said: "We have to do more and we will do more - the next couple of weeks will be vital in that."

Andrew Tanswell, Micah Challenge Chief Executive, said: "Andrew George was right to point out that the results of the Gleneagles G8 two years ago do not deliver the promise of making poverty history.

"We are halfway through to 2015 when we promised to halve global poverty. Unless radical steps are taken in the second half we won't get there.

"That's why The Micah Challenge, a coalition of Christian churches and organisations will 'Blow the Whistle' at half time before joining 'The World Can't Wait' rally on Saturday 2 June.

"Christians of all denominations will be meeting to demonstrate their unity and readiness to speak out on behalf of the world's poorest people. They will then join thousands of other people on the banks of the Thames to blow whistles and send Tony Blair off to the G8 in Germany with a clear message that the world can't wait ringing in his ears."

Core members working within the Micah Challenge UK include: African and Caribbean Evangelical Alliance, Alpha International / Holy Trinity Brompton, BMS World Mission, Christian Medical Fellowship, Christian Today, Evangelical Alliance, Faithworks, Global Connections, New Frontiers International, Oasis, Shaftesbury Society, SPEAK, Tearfund, World Vision UK.

Tickets for the service at Methodist Central Hall are available via www.micahchallenge.org.uk