Michael Schumacher health update: Fans gather in vigil for 2nd year since accident; racer's ex-manager banned from visiting?

Michael SchumacherWikipedia

Racing fans remain in the dark as to the health status of Michael Schumacher. This is especially prominent since the the second anniversary of his freak skiing accident in the French Alps is drawing nearer.

While it is unknown to them how the F1 legend is doing, devotees banded together on Twitter for a prayer vigil.

Fans tweeted out the hashtag #prayforSchumi to show their love for the recuperating racing superstar. The skiing disaster struck Schumacher back on Dec. 29, 2013. He was in coma for nearly six months before he was moved to a special rehabilitation facility to fully recover.

For multiple times, it was suggested that the road to healing is stretched but loved ones and supporters alike do not lose hope that the German racing champion will soon pull through . Sadly, there's not much update about his health at the moment.

Just recently, however, Schumacher's manager Sabine Kehm shot down a report by Germany-based magazine Bunte, who claimed that the racer can walk again, even going so far as to call this a "Christmas miracle."

"Unfortunately, we are forced ... to clarify that the assertion that Michael could move again is not true," said Kehm, who is very keen on debunking unofficial news about Schumacher's current condition, as quoted by Sydney Morning Herald.

"Such speculation is irresponsible, because given the seriousness of his injuries, Michael's privacy is very important for him. Unfortunately they also give false hopes to many people involved," she went on to say.

Meanwhile, Schumacher's former manager Will Weber, who knew the racing superstar during his early motorsport days, is claiming that he was prohibited by the racer's wife Corrina to visit Schumacher.

Weber told Bild newspaper (via Express) that Corrina won't give him permission, despite many attempts. "The situation is terrible for me. But my family is suffering. Our families were for 25 years so closely linked -- and now no one can understand," he explained.

It is unknown why Corrina won't allow Weber to drop. She is yet to respond to the allegations.